Sunday, August 12, 2018

Black Roses

I close my eyes for a second, turn slightly and he is there.
The one I loved through time.

The rush of emotions weaken me, I am barely able to withstand the force - anger, pain, relief, joy... it seems like forever but we are touching and talking.

The thing with love is that while flexible, it also blinds.
I forget past hurts and embrace the now.
I loved him before, that mattered more.

It was a sign, for that I was glad - against the odds, we were united. 
I believed in second  chance and was willing to work it out.
I held his hand, he started to fade leaving me baffled.

Realization hit, I was set to fight.
No! I screamed, I'm not loosing you again.
I grab at him,  stumble and wake with a start.
It was a dream a cruel wicked dream.