Sunday, September 8, 2013

Seriously, Why?

The Good-book, the Rulebook and the exalted council of elders. Societies norms to ensure her precious children turn out all right.
“Keep your nose clean” they say, “and you will be rewarded with the pleasures of life”.

Temptation |tem(p)ˈtāSHən|
A desire to do something, esp. something wrong or unwise

Having desires is not a bad thing neither is doing something.
It is when either or both of the above are done in ways termed as wrong or unwise that it becomes a problem.
This will have been a simple and faultless idea but for the pause that comes afterwards.
I call it the “who pause”.
The last time I asked who determined what was right and wrong I was told it was “the society”. Lately, I seem to be having a problem with that answer because “the society” that determines:
• What is right and wrong
• Who gets punished and who gets saved
• How it should be done and how it should not be done keeps getting smaller and smaller.
I’m thinking along the lines of an L word but unfortunately, the word doesn’t spell out Lubricious, Lover or Lesbian.

My failure to find a crate of Fayrouz to buy because of the on going ASUU strike might have been a passing annoyance but it got me pondering…

The reason for saying “No!” to the advances of the man willing to exchange a huge chunk of his daughter’s college tuition for a chance to ‘wow’ me with a diamond studded bra (with matching panties of course) would have been because the society frowns upon such behavior but now I’m thinking; this is the 21st century, I am in Nigeria, updating this post via internet but last night, I had my shower by candlelight! So tell me dear society, what have you done for me lately?

TY Bello sang a song. It was a hit. African China also had a hit song in 2004.
Am I the only one that pays attention to the lyrics of these hits?

Some years back, my bank paid me twice the amount I paid in. I called their attention to this and returned their money to them. A few years later they sent me a ‘cockroach letter’ begging that the “incidence” of their carelessness, which led to the loss of my hard earned money from their facility, not affect my relationship with them.
They did not return my money back to me.

A certain immaterial but amazing thing happened to fall into my possession.
It does not belong to me.
Considering the 'good' example set by the people before me, wouldn’t doing the right thing be unwise?


  1. It won't be.. And society doesn't and shouldn't determine standards.. Because society will always fluctuate over time
