Thursday, October 29, 2015

Like fine wine

I make mistakes, I learn from them
with each passing day, my knowledge expands.
Like fine wine I guess, with age I do get better.
Although I can't ever predict what happens tomorrow,
when I am an old woman, I will wear purple!

Technology has become a living being;
it consumes, it adapts it grows.
Working with the advertisement media,
new tech is now a fashion statement.
A need or want? It doesn’t matter you must Buy! Buy!! Buy!

The Earth is finite, its resources, ours to cherish.
Unlike me, it isn’t getting any better with age.
Such ungrateful tenants we are;
burning, reaping, drilling.
Exploiting and forgetting to ask What? Why? How?

Wine is sweet but good health is sweeter.
To live, to laugh and to love,
to look forward to friendship, accomplishments and aging.
To bother about constant indecisiveness over what to wear.
Well, when I’m an old woman I shall wear purple.


  1. Purple reigns then ...slow dancing in a burning room (Not me...John Mayer :-) )

    1. Well mr. John Mayer sir, you can have this dance now and then again.
