Friday, January 15, 2016

Dear Maya

January, 2016.

It’s in the sway of my hips, the strength of my beliefs and the curve of my tolerance.
I am woman, hear me roar.

Dear Maya,
It seems like yesterday I got that call from my mum informing me of your passing. She called too late, I was grieving already, her message was no news.
A few weeks before, I had reviewed my bucket list and figured that in about 18 months from that day, my dream of sitting in your presence and listening to one of your lectures would be fulfilled.

I guess life had a more elaborate final plan for you.

Last night I was at the bus stop
It was really late and I was freezing.
I noticed a cluster of men up front. I was frightened till I remembered who I am. I smiled.

I guess they were more afraid of me than I was of them.

Hey Maya! How is the afterlife? I have been thinking of you all day and reminiscing;
do you remember the first time we crossed paths?
it was a Tyler Perry movie. I was touched by words of the poem in the wedding scene it was "in and out of time".
I rewound the movie for a second listen and then a third. I wanted more. More of the poetry, the prose oh and the recipes! The way you make chicken though, finger licking good!

I guess it was love at first touch.

Lately, I’ve been thinking of the color black and my, it suits me.
as a color, it is warm, it is rich, it is filled with so much potential and then it is more.
Black is the quality of a rich fertile land. It is the color of my beautiful skin and the history of my culture.
I don’t understand why people are so eager to trade.

I guess the grass seems greener on the other side.

I don’t know your position on this matter but still I’d like to talk about it okay?
I read in the papers today that children should be allowed to change their gender before they are 16.
In other words, they believe these kids are old enough to understand and make life changing decisions.
Has it occurred to them that once it is accepted that any kid is of age to make decisions, a predator who can prove a child made the rational decision to be molested, abused or humiliated for money becomes faultless?
A few pages away in the same newspaper, there was a campaign by a cosmetic company urging customers to love their bodies and be proud of who they are. They claimed our bodies are precious.
Why bother loving myself when with enough money, I can change the way I look, function or am perceived.
I grew up knowing effeminate males and masculine females who to date are loved and respected not because they are "different" but for their individuality, charisma and values.
They did not have to hack off their penis or breasts to ensure long life and prosperity. Rather, they accepted their "faults", made it work for them and danced to the music that is life.

I guess the rest of the world is now deaf to that sound.

Maya dear, maybe it's for the best that you are gone. I can't believe its 2 years already.
How is the reception where you are? Have you viewed the earth's latest selfie?
What do you make of our rapidly changing mentality, climate and values?
What drives our traditions today, do you know? Does religion still exist?
Are morality, logical thinking and human pride now based on popular demand?

I guess immediate gratification rates higher than future reward.

If there was a way you could write back, these are the things I'd like to know:
How long do we have till our world implodes? After economic success, what next?
How long would we wander around in this haze of confusion? When would the common good prevail?
I’d tell you something that makes me smile; you added richness to my color.
You were bold, brave and the most beautiful black I've loved.

I guess it’s time to go



  1. A worthy read in honour of one so memorable. Good work darling... ☺

    1. Thanks Ese. JD's remained married, Maya died and take home pay still doesn't get home. Life is good!
