Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dream factory complaint form

I can confidently say under oat that in the last two weeks I have not seen, listened to or perceived horror movies of any sort so when twice in one night, I was awoken at "unholy hours" by first the feeling that I was not the only one in my bedroom (it felt like a vampire was saying prayers before meal) and next being dragged home by a lioness as dinner for her cubs I begin to wonder just where dreams come from.

My Friday night is best forgotten; how a day can nosedive from being promising to stark raving depressing is beyond me but happen it did and live through it I did (special thanks to "monkey man" for chasing away the Friday blues, you get a banana! *wink*).

Hello Saturday!!

Things to do today

1. Stop trying to use my mind to get rid of the cobwebs in the room and get friendly with a broom.

2. Either come up with a foolproof excuse for not attending the wedding or find a dress that would not shock my "christian sister" or make me look like an "mmgbeke" (the last part is more important).

3. I should get a good quality carving knife, never know when the need might arise.

4. Get up from bed!

Talking about getting up, how come there are no longer talks about increase in global warming, ozone depletion and the need for conservation?

Has the environment suddenly righted itself or have we made less important things our priority?

There used to be a song taught during my primary school days about how kids and everyone should learn to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Musicians and people in the entertainment industry promoted healthy living and things good for a growing child, but as I write this, "kpakurumo", "your waist" and " make I knack you akpako" keep replaying in my head.
Self destruction, objectifying women and lawless living has been made to look cool.

I'd end this with the lyrics and link to a song by a gorgeous, beautiful, talented and vibrant lady Ty Bello, she was on to something, enjoy!

- Oseyi

"The Future" - Ty Bello

We are the future
We are the dream
We are the nation
We are part of this

Yes we are so amazing
That’s the least we shall be
At the heart of the nation changing history

How can they say that we are finished
We have just begun
When we have no where else to run to
We have no where else to go

So get out of the way
Out of the way Of the land of our dreams
We are the nation we are part of this
We are the nation we are part of this

Ooooh, Carry the song
Carry the sound
The future is here
The future is here
Goodbye yesterday
Tomorrow is now for the taking
The future is here
The future is here

I am the future
I am the dream
I am the nation
I am part of this

Yes I am so amazing
That’s the least l shall be
At the heart of the nation changing history

The future
The future has
The future has come