Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Guess the gadget

Thanks to my present ‘unemployed’ status, getting internet for my personal use has turned into something from a movie plot – think ‘James Bond meets Mary Poppins’.
Although it has occurred to me to look for a cheaper service provider and get peace of mind from honest dealings as compared to crouching huddled in a corner to use ‘borrowed goods’/perching in front of an archaic desktop computer that makes video cassettes look futuristic, I believe my hesitation now is caused by rumors about * communication blocking concrete walls that have got me thinking 'what's the worse that could happen?'.

I woke up this morning to realize I have a new ability.... Sleep writing!!

It appears I updated my blog at a time all indications prove I was asleep (Green, White and other colors <- ps: if the link I placed there does not appear and you are interested in surveying a manifestation of my alleged new ability kindly hit the home link and select the title). I went through the old and new Nigerian National anthems again this morning and I wonder… Once we were a 'rich' country, we were doing so well. Where did we miss our step, when did we loose focus - What went wrong Nigeria? After checking to ensure I did not mention onion, pepper or tomato portions (I have been told in severe cases of sleep deprivation, I become a tomato seller and start haggling over prices) I decided to keep the post - although I am still trying to figure out the relationship between the hibiscus flower, ASSU strike and Nigeria’s Independence Day. While looking for colored pens I may have stashed away in a cupboard I hardly ever use, I came across carefully warped objects labeled in my writing.

I starred at them for quite a while trying to figure out why they looked so familiar before enlightenment hit me.
They were diskettes!!!
I was curious about what information could be so precious that I went through such measures to keep the diskettes protected and hidden.
While holding my breathe, I searched for somewhere/thing to slot it in.
Surprise – surprise, the CPU of archaic computer had a floppy drive but sadly the disks could not be read (said to format diskettes).

Needing a reference letter as part of my application requirements for a job as a science graduate, I met a prospective referee and asked if he would assist me. In a heartbeat, he was like “sure! No problem” provided I write the letter, he would lend me his letter headed paper and signature.
He even suggested I meet my dad for a draft.
Taking his advice, I printed a copy of my CV and submitted to the Prof only for him to call my attention after 24hrs and tell me that from my CV, I should be looking for jobs in media, tourism and publication industries. Go figure!
Such is life I guess. Like the wise ones say “sdgfjcdmbcdhgfasgndk khona!”


* there is this belief that the bad telecommunications network prevalent in the area is as a result of the thick concrete used in erecting the buildings. So for a clear signal, one has to stand directly under the sun or beside an outdoor antenna.
Please, advise: is there logic to this theory?

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