Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dear diary II

7am to 11 am: Christmas day, yeay!
I woke up to the welcome caress of the harmattan breeze which usually heralded the advent of the holiday season in Nigeria but for some reason was missing in Lagos state for the past weeks.
Next was the reoccurring bursts from a church speaker coming from a location I could not pinpoint doing a god job of making sure no one slept in on such a beautiful day (I guess they were turning it up for baby Jesus) followed by sluggishly getting ready to face an uncertain Christmas day.

12pm to 3pm: Fun! Fun!! Fun!!
After staying up till 5:30am to bake Christmas cookies as a surprise gift for family friends, saying that I was sleep deprived, cranky and annoyed could not quite cut the way I felt initially when I realized I left the very obvious container filled with cookies by the door at home.
This emotion was soon replaced by holiday cheer and warmth as new friends were made and old appreciated.
(erm and bellies filled with mixed goodies)

4pm to 7pm: death by consumption!
I don’t know if it was the smoke from the barbecue grill or fascination with the precision and technique used to create the mouth watering spread or just the thought of freshly grilled meat subduing my ability to say “no thanks, I’m full” but what ever it was, it kept me saying “okay, just one more” each time I took another helping of assorted meat knowing fully well that I was stuffed. The image of animated cows and pigs flying out of my ear could not get any clearer.

8pm to 6am: bleh

7am to 11am: A cappella Christmas!
Watched Pentatonics Christmas videos and was amazed by the talent of the lot. They are an amazing group, great for syncing the Christmas spirit.

12pm to 3pm: Boxed Day!
Just after I pondered the origin of ‘boxing day’, I got a resounding wham on my face to teach me that not everyone who can ‘walk and chew gum’ should ‘walk and chew gum’.
In one instant I was standing on a stool reaching for the pot on top of the cupboard, in the next I was under said cupboard wondering what became of the stool and if that blood on the floor was mine.
That is how my meat eating frenzy came to an end. With a face to make an excited blowfish envious, I stumbled about the kitchen till it was time to have a much deserved ‘lie-down’.

4pm to 7pm: sweet and spicy
Cant really remember what happened the rest of the day but that no one noticed the chicken was actually really sweet was interesting. By sweet I am talking bathed in Coca-Cola, scrubbed in lemon pepper and steamed with herbs and spices. I am guessing being a witness to a - hit in the face by an angry cupboard accident - really does curb curiosity.

8pm to 6am: night came, morning came… to be continued


  1. U are a case oseyi but your Christmas really did go well apart from the fall you ha d
