Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All I want for Christmas...

...Is one week of power supply!

Not to sound greedy or over ambitious, I want it to be on record that I will be quite grateful if the said power would be supplied for 13 hours for each day of the 7 days something like 5 am to 8 am, 12pm to 4pm, then 6pm to 11:59pm although if it were to be more I would be pleasantly surprised.

Note to self: do not blog when you are half asleep.

I had to erase the previous line; I had typed quite a page-full only to realize I wrote something about a cat chasing the cow that jumped over the moon that could be cheese? (how is it possible that I am typing this fast when I can barely hold my eyes open?)

Back story

40 minutes earlier…

After congratulating myself on being able to turn on the generating set without once dialing the ‘panic button’ I noticed the icons on my pc had gotten really tiny this is usually as a result of too many open pages. Arming myself with a sit to nestle my pretty fanny and a socket to plug pc, I sat down and got to work.
I happened on this page and saw 59. Although there are some near finished posts on same computer, I took it upon myself to ‘freestyle’ and push the number to a fat round 60.

Will all this make sense in the morning? And why am I so drowsy?

Ok, I believe I’d turn in for now; it is better to type with a clear eye. On the plus side, whether educative or not, I have succeeded in pushing it to 60!


But I’m serious about the power supply bit though, Santa dearie, show working.


  1. Did santa grant your wish

    1. I believe he was going to but was interrupted by a series of unfortunate events. *sadface*
