Friday, June 21, 2013

The thing with NEP – daz All

Coming and going these several seasons,
Do stay out on the baobab tree,
Follow where you please your kindred spirits
If indoors is not enough for you.
Abiku, J. P. Clark.

“The Central Bank of Nigeria remains positive that by December 2013 all traces of the polymer Naira notes will be pulled out of circulation. The increasing cost of printing on polymer and the rate at which the inscriptions on the polymer notes faded where part of what led to this decision. However, the cashless policy still holds.”
- Oluyole fm, Ibadan.

My thoughts on the above wise decision by the Central Bank of Nigeria?

“ You don’t say?!” *sarcastically shocked face*

Considering this development, I’m guessing my nephew will have to break his piggy turtle bank I spent love, valuable time and energy making for him way before Christmas.

What is the point of teaching an impressionable young child how to save with money that does not serve as a store of value?

There I was thinking since Airtel (nee Zain, nee Vmobile, nee Econet, nee *Buddie1?) had seemingly decided on a name that worked, our policy makers will follow suit and divert their attention from making our “legal tender” look pretty and decide to face more important issues like say: constant power supply in Nigeria, vehicle worthy Roads and standardized living for her citizens.
How can I honestly tell a child to “think about the repercussions of your decisions before you act” when the oga at the top; my beloved President and his dear members of Cabinet "okay" decisions to spend tax payers money on lousy whims – flowery number plates, tokunbo airplanes, government proceedings that resemble play dates from hell and my fear slash distrust of uniformed men? Or, could it be possible that my democratic leader is not aware of these occurrences we lament about?

How about that promised breath of fresh air?

I seriously need a whiff!

Speaking of fresh air and promises, it is with great pleasure that I announce to no one in particular that with respect to putting my money where my mouth is, I am keeping one of mine!
I finally decided to dash-dash-dash-dash *dramatic pause* dash! So, I went to see dash-dash-dash and was told dash-dashdash-dash. So now, with my fingers crossed (while rooting for Melvin Oduah in BBA the Chase on the side – although sadly I haven’t seen any episode of the movement) I await the decision of dash.

Yeay me!

Today is Friday, June 21, 2013 the last day of the regular working week. A time to unwind – put up your feet and let down your hair (for those who still have hair).
The mood is perfect for music, love, *magic2 and all other things that fall between!
My dear Prince Charming, have you come or will you come again? How do I know it is you? What markings do you wear?

*1. The Buddie name sounds familiar but I have doubts based on its authenticity.
*2. Magic could also cover that drunken moment when believing you are Whitney Houston or James Brown, you climb up the stage/table top/chair and belt out a tuneless love song to the object of your desire certain that he or she was bound to fall in love.


  1. A turtle bank!??? How slow does the money come? PS; look out for chalk inscriptions and cashew made tattoos on Prince Charming's body...he loves charms n herbs being a jazzman :p

    1. Its the other way around Mike. The money comes in quick but wouldn't be dashing anywhere in a hurry! As for chalks and tattoos on my Charmings body... lemme catch you first!!
