Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mazi Must (NOT) Die!

That awkward moment when you wake up at first light (to go discretely dispose of accumulated garbage) and can’t seem to find your ‘mischief bra’ anywhere.

Yesterday, I sat in front of my computer for quite a bit.
I just sat staring.
After a while, I started playing “*FLAMES1 ” with my name and a particular gentleman’s name. After being “Admirers”, “Friends” for life and eventually “Married” I realized what I was doing and moved on to face important things like worrying about my braces and IF they'd ever come off.
The story of ‘My braces and I’ is something that begun early 2009 and depending on how I count it, our relationship has lasted for 4 going on 40 years.
I think we deserve an anniversary of sorts.

The magical story of how we begun is a page in the memory book that will leave readers with a lesson of ‘what not to do’ when faced with an unexpected load of free time.

I remember the day like it was a 3D movie with larger than life characters jumping at me from off the screen.
If only it were…

I wore a white shirt with my blue jeans petty coat, had fire(red) and blonde shoulder length loose braids (pick and drop) falling from my head, bouncing around my face and playing down my back in a mass of curls, waves and torrents. I carried my blue and white leather bag big cousin A got me (sigh I really loved that bag. I carried it everywhere! If only color blocking started in 2009) and wore sandals (*clear heels2).
In my 4 years of schooling, the then dentistry department beside Hall 5 was a place I had never gone near because for one department of dentistry was around there; I was registered in a posh dental clinic in Port Harcourt (they never really bothered with looking inside my mouth, had a fish tank in their reception with pretty fish swimming within, served assorted candy/sweets to visitors and sent really lovely cards to patients on their birthday – they somehow managed to always forget mine but remember my sisters though. Oh and I went for my appointments with either a jacket or cardigan because “their air conditioner na die”) and secondly, I stayed on the other side of campus.
Going for lectures, I’d either walk through Engineering, past Sciences and land at Basement or wait at my junction for a cab to Main-gate, stop there, take another cab going to Hall 1 and get off at Basement. On occasion, when the deciding planets met and the stars were aligned in my favor my very interesting hot ‘Yello’ neighbor gave me a ride in her baby (code name for her beloved car) and we’d chat about the guys next door while avoiding to discuss the secret craving we both had to kill their mangy terror of a dog.
On that faithful day, the three things which should never be mixed close to me – time, curiosity and a handsome man – came together, ganged up and left me with minus 4 and a half teeth, special needs and a future governed by dental appointments, limited mouth activities and the inability to crack bones.

If I were to go back in time, here is what I'd do:
1. I’d take proper care of my white and blue leather bag.
2. Eat less kpekere (plantain chips) and yes!
3. Go straight home and not let my little legs carry me to unexplored locations when ASUU calls members of staff for an emergency meeting canceling all lectures and practical classes for the day.
In a way, the Federal Government is to be held responsible for my present status. Curse you Government!!

While I'm at it, I believe that everyone deserves a great looking and healthy smile. Follow the link below to learn more (*if the link doesn't open at 1st click, kindly copy the address and paste in the address bar of your browser)

Back to the present

The sun is out! Bearing down on me with its splendor and glory. Although there is this chill about the weathers edge, the sun doesn’t look like it’d be taking sometime off. The light of day has banished my plan to work in the darkness. I guess the new plan will be to live to die try another day! For now, I am left with a pile of not so attractive junk in my trunk place.
Waste collection, management and disposal is an issue that has to be properly addressed by the powers that be in Nigeria (seriously) as indiscriminate dumping and disposal of waste has a way of coming back to haunt slash bite in the butt. If not by poisoning ground water and making plants and people sick it could be by serving as a beacon of hope for rats, roaches and other unfriendly rodents that have this nasty habit of being carriers/vectors for certain unattractive diseases.

So, tell me. What’s on your mind?

*1. FLAMES: predication game that says if you and the object of your affection are a match. Each letter of the word represents a category or zone if you'd call it that.
*2. Clear heels: no be from my mouth you go hear that one!


  1. Nice one, but there are gaps that need filling. Cos one's imagination cannot quite cope. You said in part..."time, curiosity and a handsome man" combined to cost you 4 teeth. I would like to know how. lol!

    1. you shall know my friend, in good time *wink*

  2. *cue uefa anthem* and fill the 4&1/2 missing gaps..B-)

  3. Thumps up to u, enjoyed ur article but pls ensure u tell us how u got those braces on ur nxt episode. Nice work.

  4. You and your ‘relationship’ with braces have come a long way. While you can’t wait to finally take them off, I imagine that it would feel strange once they’re out. Nonetheless, I hope you won’t be spending more “anniversaries” with those metals in your teeth, and that those years you’ve put up with them will be worth it.

    Ira Mann @ Soft Touch Dental

    1. Ira Mann we still going strong. had another tooth adventure will write about that shortly. looking forward to a beautiful smile with nice sparkly pearly whites in the near future.

  5. The term long-lasting relationship is the last thing you’d want to apply with regard to braces. That being said, I sort of have mixed feelings about you going strong and celebrating anniversaries with your braces. Though there’s fun in hearing your teeth and braces adventures, I do hope you’ll get those sparkly pearly whites in the near future. Good day!

    Dorothy Payne @ Dr. Monica Crooks, DDS

    1. thank you Dorothy Payne, I too am looking forward to stress free pearly whites. Because of the length of time I've worn it, I have unwittingly become a consultant of sorts for tooth and fixed appliances. Looking forward to the days when my only worry would be about using the right toothpaste and dental floss. I wish I was properly informed and clerked before I begun though. How long can I safely have on braces?
