Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yeay us!!

Hello, virtual family!
CC: people in my computer, blackberry, mobile phone and transistor radio.

It has been one hell of a week! One involving scissors, needles, ice-lolly and t-shirts with the second, third and fourth day of the week leaving me looking like the human version of ‘Kermit the frog’ from sesame the street.
On the 'Yeay' side of the meter, I’d admit that the week wasn’t all bad; I got to watch 'Flavors' new music video - Ada Ada, obsess over a ‘small matter’ and spend close to 72hours in and out of sleep having really weird dreams as I slumbered. Dreams I remember vividly but presently don’t feel quite comfortable sharing *shudders*.

Everyday, I began to write an entry but by the time it was decided I was heading somewhere, I’d become too drowsy to locate the keys on my keyboard.
I’d tell myself “baby girl chill and have a nap. Tomorrow is another day” well, this is the 7th day and tomorrow heralds a new week so if I don’t end this and publish, I’d be letting little things like needle shots, a swollen face and fatigue get the best of me.

As I write this, I’m being distracted by a pirated movie I am trying not to watch. The movie is interesting but it’s the activities between the 'pirate' and the rest of the people in the movie theater that has gotten me hooked.
The person with the camera is sitting behind a little girl and her father (or big brother/uncle?) and she keeps getting up to do things. Since the movie begun, she’s gone to pee 3 times, been fed something from a bottle while standing and now, she’s standing with her little hands on her waist blocking most of the ‘pirate’s’ camera lens oh and my view!
So, although this entry is going to be lacking the usual ‘salt’ and ‘lime’ -ish, it will have an ending… or something like it (I don't know).

At this point, I’d write a special thank you to everyone who checked in on me from Monday till 5am today (*cough – cough* a later time say 9am or 12pm will be appreciated in future).
Here’s to letting you know that I’m doing great, the swelling’s gone and I am no longer ‘high’ on pain meds.
God bless you, keep you and protect those you care about.

See you next week!

Ms. O